Patient Success Stories
Like many women who've given birth and find it hard to shed those pregnancy pounds, I struggled with my weight as a busy working mom. As my weight climbed to 250 pounds, I knew something had to change.
Read Gretta's story
I had a lot of good reasons to lose weight. Prior to going to Transformations, I didn't want to go or do anything or see anyone. Basically, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and be depressed. But one day I decided I didn't want to spend the rest of my life this way.
As an overweight person, I often had to stop to catch my breath, even during normal day-to-day activities around the house that most people handle with ease.
But then I had bariatric surgery and everything changed. In just a few weeks, the desire to do things like visit nice restaurants and walk through a shopping mall was back. Living life again is an amazing experience. I'm loving every minute of it. Even better, my family is loving every minute of having me back in their lives. I tell people, "Transformations gave me my life back."
The best part: now I have so much energy. People see me having fun and say, "Wow, there's Holly…she's back!"
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I was always "the heavy one" in the family. Yet in my mind, I was always pretty. It was just one method I used to bury the knowledge that I was morbidly obese. One night I took a long hard look at my body in the mirror and decided that, at over 300 pounds, something had to be done.
Getting a roux-en-y procedure at Transformations was one of the best decisions I ever made. My biggest challenge before having the procedure was finding clothes that fit. At 300 pounds I had to order my clothes online. Losing those pounds - actually, like losing two people! - has given me the energy and mobility I need. Best of all, I'm able to shop for great clothes now. There are few choices out there for someone who was my size, but today, I excitedly run around the clothing store, trying on everything and saying words I never thought I'd hear again, "This doesn't fit!"
Having bariatric surgery at River Oaks was a wonderful experience. My surgeon and all the nurses and staff were compassionate and helpful. Today, I still feel comfortable calling them whenever I have a question or need advice.
I've lost 279 pounds and kept it off, which is amazing considering how hard I had tried all those years by following the only advice I'd ever heard: "Push back from the table." Yes, I always thought I was pretty…now thanks to Transformations, I'm healthy…that's the difference.
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Weight issues weren't exactly new for Amy. She'd been a chubby kid, an overweight teen and a morbidly obese adult. By age 35, she was struggling to keep up as a wife, mother and first-grade teacher. Her energy and her self-esteem? Gone.
She knew she had to do something, but took her time deciding what. After months of consideration, she chose gastric bypass surgery. Two years later, she'd lost more than 140 pounds and literally was half of her former self.
That marked the beginning of Amy's new life. Her surgery was the best investment she's ever made. Not just for herself, but also for her family.
In his native country, India, food was at the heart of Rajat's lifestyle. And when he moved to Mississippi, he found comfort in the rich southern cuisine. It wasn't long until he reached 435 pounds.
After a doctor's appointment, he had an epiphany – asking himself what he really wanted to accomplish in life. That's when this computer science engineer decided to lose weight by the numbers – limiting calories, increasing exercise, gaining control of his metabolism.
As 250 pounds came off, his energy level soared, allowing him to work full-time with Saks Incorporated and go to school full-time at the Ross School of Business (University of Michigan). Now that he's earned the MBA degree he'd always wanted, he is helping others work toward their dreams.